
Monday, March 25, 2013

A Few of My Favorite Things

I am so ready for warmer Spring weather. Cold makes me grumpy so, I like to remind myself of the countless reasons I have to be happy. In that spirit, here a few things that I'm totally into right now :)

1. This stage

I love that he looks like "Elf" crammed in that little ride

The happiest little boy I know

This is what I get when I say "smile!"

2. Mally Makeup

Particularly her Volumizing Mascara and Evercolor Starlight Eyeliner. They stay on all day long - even through really tough workouts.

3. Naptime

Need I say more...

4. CrossFit

Seriously. If you haven't tried it. Please. Find your local box and go try it. It will change your life - or at least your body. 

5. Yoga

Yoga is such a necessity for me. You can do it anywhere (thank you Yoga Paws). It brings me back to center and calms my soul. It gives me a stronger mind and body.

6. Viva La Lovely

Josie is the most ah-maaaazing designer. Her style is impeccable. I recommend her for any design work you need (invitations, printables, etc.) Here is her Etsy shop. She's done several things for me but, here are just a couple of examples:

7. The Color Navy 

Period. Anyone else totally crushing on this color? I have always loved navy. It's so preppy and 'American'. A little tidbit of trivia about me:: I had an accent wall that was a Tommy Hilfiger logo when I was in high school. Yes, and ENTIRE wall. I'm sure the people that bought our house just loved painting over that.

8. Black Front Doors

So classic.

9. The Clymb

A fitness gear sale site that has a great yoga and shoe department. All kinds of great deals to be found. I just bought a pair of Inov-8 shoes for $32...super pumped about that buy.

Those are just a handful of mine. What are some of your favorite things?