
Tuesday, May 31, 2016


I love change. I love new. And a lot has been changing and a lot is new! I've been wanting to make a shift in my blog for awhile but, wasn't sure how. 

When I'm not sure how to do something, I just step out and do it and figure it out as I go. So, this is my stepping out and figuring it out as I go!

Up to this point, ya'll probably don't need any reminding that I've been a inconsistent, at best, at keeping up with this blog! (which will be gettin' a little facelift soon! ok, maybe not a total facelift but, maybe a lil' botox here and there!)

Moving, renovating, building a home-based business - all with 3 kids 5 and under will do that to a person!

But there is light. Light at the end of the tunnel and I see so clearly now - like never before. I really considered scrapping this blog completely and starting over but, this blog is a very inconsistent journey of my 4 past years and you can't just delete your past!

Thankfully, you CAN be healed and broken free from it, but it can't be deleted. 

I totally find encouragement in that and I hope you do too! The past is the past but, the future is so bright. SO bright.

And that's really where my journey began. Once someone shared that with me and taught me about forgiveness, my entire world changed. Everything in and around me. And it is so awesome. So awesome.

I want to share what I've learned along the way in hopes of it transforming your life and helping you advance in all areas.

So I've basically gone from hot mess express to completely unoffendable, totally at peace and I have zero fear. I mean, who doesn't want that?! You guys, it's the most incredible place to be.

Maybe there's something holding you back - I want to show you how to break free.
Maybe you're looking for encouragement and inspiration.
Maybe you have set a life or business goal but for the life of you, you cannot hit your target.
Maybe you want a better marriage.
Maybe you want to be a better mom.
Maybe you want to be challenged to become more.

Maybe you want some good recipes and workouts.
Maybe you want to know that your kids aren't the only ones who pee in the front yard every chance they get (if you have girls, I hope that's not accurate ha!)
Maybe you want to know that you aren't married to the only man who needs one of these...

Note: I may be unoffendable but, still highly irritated 
by facial hair all over my countertop - we're all a work in progress!

Well, friend. You're in the right place!
Here you will find experience, coupled with Truths.
Ones that I hope you will use to launch into and fulfill your God-given purpose and destiny!

You were created to be BIG and do BIG THINGS!

Monday, May 16, 2016

What's Up Wednesday!

Disclaimer: the formatting may or may not be a hot mess due to my typing this in Pages on a plane and attempting to transfer to blogger. Apparently, the two don't jive!

And by Wednesday - apparently, I mean Friday! This was supposed to publish two days ago but but was too busy yesterday to check! Good busy 😄💪 
Been a fun week of traveling - Denver, Dallas and Nashville and then off to Orlando in a couple weeks! Love traveling but I haven't quite figured out the meal prep while traveling situation yet. For instance, in the airport. They've 100% stepped their meal game up. There are all kinds of great options there now, stir fry, salads, etc but here's my demise.  S U S H I.

I know what you're thinking. airport sushi.

It could go horribly wrong...or horribly right. And my friends, it went so right. And these airport rolls are not your average roll. They're like mondo rolls. And of course I can't waste perfectly good sushi, right?

Let's just say that shortly after this was taken I was googling "is there such a thing as a carb headache" and "how to get rid of a carb headache."

But friends - SO worth it.

Ok so on with the show!

What I’m reading

Disclaimer: seems to be a lot of those lol...

this should say what I’m listening to. It’s been a hot minute since I’ve read (and completed) an actual book. I listen in the car on the way to the gym, while I’m folding laundry, doing dishes, etc. It’s the most efficient way for me to get the info into my brain in this particular season of life…Since I have some catching up to do, I’ll have to save a post for another day on the backlog on what I’ve read because there are some solid recommendations in there BUT, here’s what I’m reading right now.

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo

This book. Swear. It was written for me. It’s all about surrounding yourself ONLY with things you love and if it doesn’t “spark joy”. Get rid of it. So basically the way I lived ages 18-22. I moved approximately 37 and a half times and each time my list of belongings got smaller. 

“Have I used that in the last 4 hours? No? Ok, toss it. Ain’t nobody got time to pack and move that.” I’ve since married a man whose hobbies include garage saleing and collecting “cool stuff”…but because that’s apparently subjective, we disagree on what’s “cool” but, I digress. Once you get past her talking to inanimate objects (? does not compute) you will find this technique to be very effective in creating simplicity. I’ve done a few areas of the house and let me tell you what. You haven’t lived till you’ve KonMari’d. Mostly your husbands stuff.

No Excuses: The Power of Self-Discipline by Brian Tracy

This one is a pretty 'give it to ya straight' kinda book and I am LOVING it! It's all about commitment to achieving certain goals and it's got me straight fired up! If you want to get things done - this book is for you. 

I have figured out that consistency in a positive direction is the key to succeeding at anything in life. Literally, anything!

"Most people think success comes from good luck or enormous talent, but many successful people achieve their accomplishments in a simpler way: through self-discipline. No Excuses! shows you how you can achieve success in all three major areas of your life, including your personal goals, business and money goals, and overall happiness." - the inside front cover of the book 

What else is happnin' 

Finally getting some house projects done! The before and afters are INSANE. It's hard for me to remember what it even looked like before but loving seeing it come together! Lord, give me strength on our next remodel. This one about wore me OUT! 

And finally - I'm getting my NASM Personal Training Certification! As it happens, I'm just as terrible of a student now as I was in college (strangely enough, I'm a high 'Learner'.) and apparently it also corresponds with the way I view packing for vacation. Throw stuff in a suitcase 25 minutes before you're supposed to leave for the airport. May or may not have forgotten an average of 8 items each time I travel. But hey - I got my SUSHI! 

What are ya'll up to?! Love hearing from you :) 

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Protein Pudding. Yes, this actually exists!

It is a widely known fact in my family that I am not a fan of cooking, baking or anything of the sort. When I do cook, I have two temperatures. 

Off or High. 

There is no medium. Who has time for medium? OR I'll turn something on, completely forget about it until I smell molten metal and realize I had a pan on high for 20 minutes. 

So, it's really best that I stick to cold, or less than 5 ingredient dishes. 

Something you'd feel comfortable letting a toddler cook. That's where I really shine. 

So this one is basically life changing. Protein and chocolate. What else is there in life?! ha!

Enter - Muscle. Gain. PUDDING. 

You guys. This concoction is so life-changing I practically’d it’s original creator. It traces back to a lovely lady name miss Susannah Padgett. She’s of AdvoCarian decent and you can find her here. She periodically posts food stuff but I secretly hope she starts posting how-to hair videos. Because really.

Usually my pre-bedtime (8:00pm) snack

2 Scoops Muscle Gain
2 Scoops COLD water
mix that up then add in:
1-2 TBS Sugar Free Pudding

Some insider tips:

Start with a tablespoon and as more as needed. Depends on the consistency you're looking for. I like more pudding mix because I like a really thick, almost frosting like consistency. Because, who doesn't #amiright

Stick that bad boy in the freezer for a few minutes and enjoy! 

You can mix up flavors as well. My current favorite is Vanilla Muscle Gain and Pistachio pudding mix! 

Hope ya'll enjoy this as much as I do. Protein at bedtime is so key for those gains! 

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Because nobody puts Baby in a corner. Nobody!

But evidently, it's the only way I operate. To back myself into a corner, commit to something and then just figure out how to do it. 

Because apparently keeping 3 miniature humans alive isn't enough. 

- I'm going to hit my macros everyday 

- I'm going to totally KonMari my life before June (don't worry - more on this practically created-for-me style of organizing later)

- I'm going to stick to a budget (WHICH I totally have, thank you very much! Except that Health & Beauty category - ladies, why lookin' so good gotta be so expensive?! But I've got some budget hacks I'm excited to share with you guys!)

- I'm going to schedule out my entire day the night before every, single night (this time/priority management thing has got me all kindsa hemmed up but, I've called in the pro's to share some systems - and ya'll know I love a good system.) 

- I'm going to get my NASM cert. 

- I'm going to blog once a week. There. THERE! I said it. 

Why, why is this?! Please tell me there are more of you out there. Can we start a support group? We'll just drink Spark and solve the world's problems in like 8 hours. It will be fabulous.

Practically my anthem. 

Uhm. No thank you. I'll take that diligence thing You mentioned. 

This is no bueno, folks. We must boss up and get busy.

So, here's to dreaming, digging in and DOING.

It's gonna be a blast - join me!