Friday, January 25, 2013

{Recipe} Knock-off Super Food Salad

Schnuck's (on First Avenue, if you're an Evansville native) has this delightful little "Super Food" salad at their deli - I'm pretty sure they knocked it off from Trader Joes. Apparently 'knocking off' is the new thing. Any ways, as much as I eat it and at $4.99 a pound (on sale), I knew I could do better. Plus, I can almost 100% guarantee they don't use organic kale. In bad blogger fashion, I have no clue how much this thing costs but, I'm pretty sure it's cheaper than $4.99/lb and quite frankly, as much as I eat it, I don't really care - I just want the organic kale. I'm also pretty sure this isn't totally kosher-paleo (that's a new term I just made up) because of the edamame, but I guess if you left it out it would be...I'm sure someone will let me know if that's an incorrect assumption. Anyways, tweak as necessary and enjoy.

Ingredients: again, in bad blogger fashion, I just eyeball stuff and throw it in. Don't really know exact amounts.


1 bunch or so organic kale (found mine at Fresh Market) (chiffonade)
Organic blueberries
Dried cranberries or cherries (I slightly rehydrated by throwing in some boiling water)
Shredded carrots
Shelled, thawed edamame
Sunflower seeds
Slivered almonds
Cherry tomatoes (halved)
Red onion
Basil (chiffonade)


Lemon juice (I just squeeze 2 or 3)
Kosher Salt
Fresh ground black pepper
I feel like I put a little parsley in there too, but can't remember. I'm sure it would be totally yum.

Note: I gave it all a good massage after I threw the dressing on. I think that softens the kale a little bit and gives it a better flavor.

I have this in the fridge at all times. It's an awesome snack or side dish to just about anything.


  1. Hey,
    In the Schunk's deli (at least here in MO) they have the salad with dressing on it already. When you make it and store in the fridge for a longer period of time do you apply the dressing before hand, or will that wilt the kale? It never lasts that long at my place!

    1. Hi!

      I do put the dressing on all at once. It usually keeps in the fridge for a week. I do t drench it in it and make sure to use super fresh kale. I've made it once with some I had in the fridge for a few days and it didn't hold up as well. Also I make sure to dry it in a salad spinner really well before you do the salad

  2. Thanks for this breakdown. The Schnucks I go to uses cashews instead of almonds but still good. I love their salad a lot but don't like onions so I want to try and make this at home.


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