Friday, January 24, 2014

Guess who's back from vacation?

Well, not vacation, actually the furthest thing from it. Allow me to catch you up...

We started the dreaded master renovation project. Estimated by the contractor to "take two weeks". In my head I said, "no way, four". So, I had my little heart set on four weeks.

...and here's where things started to go awry.

Change that "weeks" to "months" and we'd be closer to the actual completion date. During that time, several things, that I won't bore you with, went wrong but let's just say, I learned a lot. A lot about grout, marble and prescription medication.

Upon almost completion, the Polar Vortex claimed yet another victim and we burst two pipes. Where you ask? You guessed it. Right above the newly remodeled master bath. I'm just learning to like the industrial look. At least that's what I tell myself to maintain what little sanity I have left.

Ok, what else...let's see. Oh, I have found the absolute best skincare line on the planet.

Rodan and Fields. This stuff is life altering. I will say that I am not a fan of their shipping (and handling?! Seriously, people still try and charge for that?) charges so after my initial large purchase, I haven't replenished anything. It's so crazy amazing, though. I'd be happy to split shipping if anyone wants to combine orders and use my discount - just shoot me an email and I'll see what I can do.

I have also discovered the amazingness that is gel polish. Did you guys know about this?! I mean, I LOVE a super short, light pink manicure, but never got them, because it would chip off within hours, irritate me to no end and I'd vow never to step foot in a "Pretty Something" ever again. Then, my way-cooler-than-me-aunt and I went to get manicures in Kansas City during Thanksgiving. She talked me into the expensive, but oh so worth it gel polish. I've been hooked ever since.
*Note: If you live in my area, don't go to Bella Nails on 41. It's a total racket. Chipped off in two days and I nearly learned Korean just so I could go in there and let them know how mad I was. Rational. I know. Moving on.

I haven't been to CrossFit in a hot six months. It all started with some drama in tha club, then the other box not jiving with the kiddo's schedules, oh and the daycare area being a glass room directly above the workout area so Breaker would just stare at me and scream at the top of his lungs the entire WOD. My presence was not well received. So, I've taken a permanent hiatus. I really never thought I'd ever say that, but it just didn't work out between us. I have been gettin' my yoga on like it's my job, however and that has been wonderful, but I do miss the torture that is CF...and the muscles it gave me.

I'm reading these books right now and so far, they're awesome. I'll let you know if it's enough to keep me from lobbying to get Quaaludes back on the market.

And doing a 180 here, I'm now a contributor over at Pretty Well Organized! If you haven't checked it out, head over and subscribe #immed. 

And lastly, I've not been myself lately - mostly because we're expecting baby No. 3! I blame Advorunner. She told me that she thinks when people take blogging breaks they get pregnant. That may or may not be paraphrased. I don't even know what day it is anymore. Pregnancy brain with #3 is the WORST!


  1. Yeehaw! Happy to have you back!! And congrats on bb#3!

    1. Thank you! I'm excited and super nervous! 3 is a game changer.

  2. Glad to see you back. Bathroom renos are never fun (I know, since we have had to redo a shower at least 3 times now!). Jesus calling is a great devotional! I have it and Jesus Today. Love them both. Congrats on baby #3. Boy, girl or do you even know yet?

    1. Thank you so much, you are so sweet! That is the second time that marble was put in the shower. So frustrating! I just remind myself that at least I have a bathroom and roof over my head. That puts things in perspective pretty quickly ;) We're not sure yet, but I will let you know! We find out in late Marchish?

  3. Remodeling your home can be tough.
    Thank god for skin care.


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