Monday, April 29, 2013

Gym Class Hero

Lockers are pretty much all the rage these days and there are some seriously swoon-worthy ones out there. Unfortunately, most of them pack a hefty price tag.

Like this beauty at $699 from Restoration Hardware. I mean, it's gorgeous but $699 for a child's desk?! Please, RH, be serious.

Or this one, on Etsy. It'll set you back $675 + $150 shipping. Yes, that's in American dollars.

Well, if you're lucky enough to have husband that hoards collects as a hobby, you may just be able to be graced with one of these bad boys for $100 (actually free. He got two for $100 and sold the other one for $100). He's the William Shatner of our household. 

The Hubs, ever so crafty and creative as he is (if he dressed better and I wasn't married to him, I'd really question his sexuality...) found some letters at our local home improvement store, painted them and 'roughed them up' a little bit. Then glued each one on. Not sure if you can tell down the right hand side, but it's got my little guy's name down the side.

He did this project a little over three years ago, so I'm pretty impressed with his ahead-of-the-curve taste. Now, if we can just do something about his wardrobe, we'll be in business :)

I really wish I had a photo editor to make this prettier and add a fun little graphic, but alas, I'm still searching. Any advice would be much appreciated!


  1. Adorable! Try PicMonkey.. they have all sorts of fun things to use for editing pics!


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