Friday, June 28, 2013

Why, Google. Why.

Why have you ripped my beloved Reader from my clutches as if it were a donut and you were Jillian Michaels?

I'm sad, but have migrated over to Feedly and it's not the same, but I'm sure I'll get used to it. I'm sure it has pros and cons like everything else, but I don't have the attention span to assess them at this point in time. I'm not super familiar with Bloglovin'. Mostly because I detest the name. I'm not sure who's in marketing over there, but whoever it is was clearly phoning it in on the day they picked that name.

Anyway, Bloglovin' said I needed to post this

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

in order to claim my blog. I was hoping for an image, but apparently it's just text. I'm not even sure what's happening here you guys, but I hope that you'll continue to follow me. You're my only means of adult conversations in a world of dogs, toddlers and Dora.


  1. Girl you know I'll be following. I need my daily fix, lol! All these changes are annoying!

  2. I've been in denial about this! I really need to get on the ball and figure it out but it somehow seems too overwhelming! Eek.


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